Cruise Ship Law

Do Cruise Ships Have Jails?

Charles R. Lipcon

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Charles R. Lipcon is the firm’s founder and one of the preeminent maritime attorneys in the United States. Mr. Lipcon has been handling maritime lawsuits – including personal injury, wrongful death, sexual assault and rape – for over 40 years. In that time, he and his firm have recovered hundreds of millions of dollars for their clients.

Image of a jail cell

Our Award-Winning Cruise Ship Accident Attorneys Help Endangered Victims at Sea

Lipcon, Margulies & Winkleman, P.A., headquartered in Miami, FL, are the nation’s leading cruise ship and hotel injury and assault lawyers. We have been fighting for the rights of victims of injuries and assaults for over 50 years. We are dedicated to helping our clients recover the compensation they deserve after traumatic incidents caused on a cruise ship or hotel anywhere in the world. With 16 attorneys in 7 offices nationwide — including our main Miami office — countless awards and accolades, and over $450 million and counting recovered for our clients since we first began the firm in 1971, it is no surprise that Lipcon, Margulies & Winkleman, P.A. has been named to “Best Law Firms”® by US News & World Report since 2016, and 4 of our attorneys named to “Best Lawyers”®.

For most passengers, cruise ships are seen as floating paradises. However, just like any other place where large groups of people gather, cruise ships are not immune to crime and misconduct. This raises an interesting question: Do cruise ships have jails onboard? The answer is yes, but the concept of a “jail” on a cruise ship is quite different from what you might expect on land.

What Is a Cruise Ship Jail?

Most cruise ships have a facility known as a “brig” or “holding cell.” These are small, secure rooms designed to detain passengers or crew members who pose a threat to themselves or others. The brig is not a full-fledged jail but serves as a temporary holding area until the ship can reach a port where relevant authorities can take over.

The brig is typically located in a less accessible part of the ship, away from passenger areas, to ensure safety and security. It is equipped with basic amenities but is far from comfortable. The primary purpose of the brig is to maintain order and safety on the ship.

When is the Cruise Ship Brig Used?

The brig is used in various situations, including but not limited to:

Violent Behavior

Passengers or crew members who engage in violent behavior against other guests or a crew member may be detained to prevent harm to others.

Theft or Fraud

Individuals caught stealing or committing fraud may be held in the brig until the ship reaches port.

Drug Offenses

Possession or distribution of illegal substances can result in detention.

Sexual Assault

In cases of sexual assault, the accused may be detained to ensure the safety of other passengers and to preserve evidence for authorities.

Public Intoxication

Excessive drunkenness that leads to disruptive behavior may also result in temporary detention.

Who Manages the Brig on a Cruise Ship?

The brig is managed by the ship’s security team, which is typically composed of trained professionals, including former law enforcement officers. A cruise ship security officer is responsible for maintaining order on the cruise ship and ensuring the safety of all passengers and crew members.

When a situation arises that requires detention, the security team follows strict protocols to handle the individual safely and humanely. The detained person is monitored continuously to ensure their well-being until they can be handed over to local authorities.

Importantly, the cruise ship’s security team is NOT independent law enforcement. Instead, they are hired and paid employees of the cruise line. As such, in our experience and opinion, the security team is more concerned about protecting the company, than the general cruising public.

Legal Implications of Detaining Someone on a Cruise Ship

Detaining someone on a cruise ship involves various legal considerations. Cruise ships operate under maritime law, which can be complex and differs from the laws governing land-based jurisdictions. When a crime occurs on a cruise ship, the ship’s flag state (the country where the ship is registered) often has jurisdiction. Also, the laws of the country where the ship is currently located or the nationality of the individuals involved may also come into play. And if the crime involves a US citizen, then the FBI has jurisdiction also.

Cruise lines must adhere to international maritime regulations and cooperate with local authorities when a crime is reported. This cooperation ensures that the detained individual receives due process and that the rights of all parties involved are protected. Claims of false imprisonment could be pursued if any detention was wrongful.

Reporting a Crime on a Cruise Ship

If you are a victim of a crime on a cruise ship, it is crucial to report the incident immediately to the ship’s security team. Prompt reporting ensures that the situation is handled quickly and that evidence is preserved. Here are the steps you should take:

Report to Security

Contact the ship’s security guards as soon as possible. They will document the incident and take appropriate action.

Preserve Evidence

Do not tamper with any evidence related to the crime. This includes avoiding washing or changing clothes if you are a victim of assault.

Seek Medical Attention

If you are injured, seek medical attention immediately. The ship’s medical team can provide care and document your injuries.

Document Everything

Keep a detailed record of the incident, including dates, times, and names of any witnesses.

Follow Up

Once the ship reaches port, follow up with local authorities to ensure that the crime is investigated thoroughly.

Safety Tips for Cruise Passengers

While cruise ships are generally safe, it is essential to take precautions to protect yourself from potential threats. Here are some safety tips:

Stay Aware

Be aware of your surroundings on cruise ships, and the people around you. Trust your instincts and avoid situations that make you uncomfortable. As we often say: “Don’t’ leave your common sense at the Port!”

Travel in Groups

Whenever possible, travel with a group, especially at night or in unfamiliar areas of the ship. This is particularly applicable to minors. You wouldn’t let your child roam free in New York City, so don’t do it at sea either on a giant floating city. This is particularly true in the wake of the hidden epidemic of rapes and sexual assaults on cruise ships.

Secure Your Belongings

Keep your valuables secure on cruise ships and avoid displaying expensive items.

Limit Alcohol Consumption

Excessive drinking can impair your judgment and make you more vulnerable to crime.

Know the Cruise Ship Layout

Familiarize yourself with the ship’s layout, including the location of security offices and emergency exits.

If You’ve Experienced a Crime on a Cruise Ship, Our Team of Legal Experts is Here to Help

While the idea of a cruise ship jails may seem surprising, onboard jails are a necessary measure to maintain order and ensure the well-being of all passengers and crew members. If you are the victim of a serious crime on a cruise ship, it is crucial to report the incident to the cruise ship security team or port facility security officer immediately and to follow the appropriate steps to ensure your safety and the proper handling of the situation.

Consult with one of our expert cruise ship crime attorneys after your injury to determine if you should move forward with a case. You can reach out to us at our Miami headquarters, or one of our other 7 offices nationwide, by calling the toll-free number: 877-233-1238. We can also be reached from overseas and offer all clients a free case evaluation. Put our decades of experience to work for you.

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